"Emotion, Axiology, and the Formalist Prejudice: A Schelerian Case for the Affective A Priori"​
University of Vienna
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Phänomenologische Forschung, (German Phenomenological Society), September 2019
Conference Details:
“Moral Feeling and Moral-Self Awareness: The Phenomenological Role of Respect in Kant’s Moral Psychology”
American Philosophical Association
Eastern Division Meeting, Symposium, New York City, NY, January 2019
Conference Details:
"Why Fit-Based Buck-Passing Fails"
The Seventh National Meeting in Analytic Philosophy
Portuguese Society for Analytic Philosophy
University of Lisbon, Portugal, September 2018
Conference Details:
"Emotion, Axiology, and Formalism: A Schelerian Case for the Affective A Priori"
North American Society of Early Phenomenology
Duquesne University, Pittsburgh June 15th 2018
Conference Details:
“Moral Feeling and Moral-Self Awareness: The Phenomenological Role of Respect in Kant’s Moral Psychology”
Seventh Annual Leuven Kant Conference
K.U. Leuven, Flanders Belgium May 21st 2018
Conference Details: